Famous Czech Composers

Famous Czech Composers

Bedřich Smetana. Antonín Dvořák. Leoš Janáček. Bohuslav Martinů. Four big names in Czech music, which has become a world phenomenon. Each of them represents a different generation, a different style and a distinctive musical style. The authors of the publication Famous Czech Composers focused on important moments in the lives of these personalities, the conditions of creation, journeys, some selected works, inspirations, but also the relationships between them and their works.

Publikace je v angličtině. / Publication is in English only.

Autoři / Authors Sandra Bergmannová, Veronika Vejvodová
ISBN 978-80-7036-661-5
Vydavatel / Publisher Národní muzeum
Rok vydání / Year of publication 2021
Místo vydání / Place of publication Praha
Počet stránek / Number of pages 352
600 Kč bez DPH