Depot mincí a zlomkového stříbra z konce 10. století (Kojetín- Popůvky)

Depot mincí a zlomkového stříbra z konce 10. století (Kojetín- Popůvky)

ISBN: 978-80-7007-463-3  

Monumenta Numismatika Svazek3 / Volume 3
Hacksilver hoard dating back to the end of the 10(th) century and found in Kojetín-Popůvky,Czech Republic      

Středoevropské a východoevropské raně středověké nálezy stříbra obsahující mince a jejich zlomky, šperky s jejich zlomky a jiné stříbrné artefakty („Hacksilberfunden“), představují důležitý a nezastupitelný pramen pro poznání hospodářských – ale i politických – dějin zemí, na jejichž teritoriu byly nalezeny. Vypovídají také o oblastech obchodně i strategicky souvisejících, jakož i o oblastech vzdálených, spojených s nálezy původem některé z mincovních či šperkových složek (západní Evropa, islámský Východ). Nálezy tohoto charakteru mají značný potenciál korigovat výpověď dalších archeologických pramenů a pramenů písemných. Depot z Kojetína-Popůvek má v rámci České republiky mezi nálezy 10. století důležité postavení – svým složením, zastoupením jednotlivých složek a svým umístěním v rámci středoevropského prostoru. Depot zlomkového stříbra z Kojetína-Popůvek obsahuje 150 zlomků islámských mincí a jeden celý dirham, 53 celých západoevropských denárů a 72 jejich zlomků, 2 celé a 16 zlomků stříbrných šperků. Charakter materiálu nalezeného v Kojetíně-Popůvkách si vyžádal úzkou spolupráci specialistů na islámské mincovnictví, západoevropské denáry a raně středověké stříbrné šperkové artefakty. V současné době se pak již jeví standardním zkoumání složení kovu u jednotlivých složek nálezu. Výsledná publikace přináší detailní katalog nálezu z Kojetína- Popůvek, včetně analýz kovu. Připojené texty z pohledu jednotlivých autorů depot vřazují do středoevropského kontextu a sledují vazby na raně středověký dálkový obchod se stříbrem. Central European and east European early medieval silver hoards containing coins and their fragments, jewels and their fragments and other silver artifacts represent an important and irreplaceable source for understanding the economic and political history of lands where these objects were discovered. They also offer up information about territories commercially and strategically connected, as well as about distant lands linked to these hoards via the origin of a certain coin or jewelry segment (West Europe, Islamic East). The hoards of this character have significant potential for correcting the testimony of other archaeological and written sources. The hoard from Kojetín-Popůvky plays an important role among hoards of the 10th century in the territory of the Czech Republic because of its content, representation of individual parts and its placement in the central European area. The hacksilver hoard from Kojetín-Popůvky consists of 150 fragments of Islamic coins and one complete dirham, 54 complete West European deniers and 77 fragments of these coins, 2 complete silver jewels and 16 fragments of silver jewelry. Because of the character of the material found in Kojetín-Popůvky, close cooperation of specialists in Islamic numismatics, West European deniers and early medieval silver art artifacts was needed. These days, research in metal content of the particular segments of the hoard seems to be a standard procedure. The final publication brings a detailed catalogue of the Kojetín-Popůvky hoard, including metal analyses. The attached texts – from the point of view of individual authors – classify the hoard in the central European context and follow connections with the early medieval long-distance silver trade.

Central and Eastern European early medieval coins containing silver findings and their fractions, fractions with their jewelry and other silver artefacts ( "Hacksilberfunden"), constitute an important and irreplaceable source of knowledge for economic - but also political - history of the countries on whose territory they were found. Also tell us about the area commercially and strategically related, as well as on remote areas associated with the origin of some of the findings of coin or jewelery components (Western Europe, the Islamic East). The findings of this nature have considerable potential to correct the testimony of other archaeological evidence and written sources. Depot of Kojetína-Popůvek has in the Czech Republic among the finds of the 10th century an important position - its composition, representation of individual components and its location in the Central area. Depot scrap silver from Kojetína-Popůvek contains 150 fragments of Islamic coins and one whole dirham, 53 pence and the entire western European fractions of 72, 2 and 16 fragments of the entire silver jewelry. Features material found in Kojetin-Popůvky necessitated close cooperation of specialists in Islamic coinage, Western Europe dinars and silver jewelery early medieval artifacts. At present it has already seems standard examination of composition of metal components in the individual judgment. The publication presents a detailed catalog of finding Kojetína- Popůvek, including analysis of metal. Attached texts from the perspective of the individual authors depot vřazují in the Central European context and pursue ties to the early medieval remote shop silver. Central European and East European early medieval silver hoards containing coins and Their Fragments, jewels and Their Fragments silver and other artifacts Represent an Important and irreplaceable source for understanding the economic and political history of the Lands Where Were Discovered objects proposition. They also offer up information about territories Commercially and strategically connected, as well as about distant lands linked to the thesis of hoards via the origin of a Certain coin or jewelry segment (West Europe, East and Islamic). The hoards of this character have Significant potential for correcting the Testimony of other archaeological and Written sources. The hoard from Kojetin-Popuvky Plays an Important Role among hoards of the 10th century in the territory of the Czech Republic Because of ITS content, representation of Individual parts and Its placement in the central European area. The hacksilver hoard from Kojetin-Popuvky Consists of 150 Fragments of Islamic coins and complete one dirham, 54 complete West European deniers and 77 Fragments Of These coins, complete 2 silver and jewels 16 Fragments of silver jewelry. Because of the character of the material found in Kojetin-Popuvky, close cooperation of Specialists in Islamic numismatics, West European deniers and early medieval art silver artifacts was needed. These days, research in metal content of the Particular segments of the hoard Seems to be a standard procedure. The final publication and Brings Detailed catalog of the Kojetin-Popuvky hoard, Including metal analyzes. The attached texts - from the point of view of the Individual authors - classify the hoard in the central European context and follow connections with the early medieval long-distance trade silver.

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