2017–2019 GAČR
Arsenates and sulphates are typical representatives of supergene weathering of primary ore minerals, both in oxidising zones or ore deposits and in slag heaps, dumping sites, and sludge lagoons of mines. They play a significant role in all of these environments because they represent important concentrants of metal elements. The objective of the project submitted is to deepen and complete our knowledge of these minerals, regarding especially their crystallography and chemism, and of the evolution of weathering associations in which these phases occur. The project may be expected, among others, to characterise new mineral types of the groups in questions and whole mineral associations studied in selected locations both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The main investigator of the project is Mgr. Jakub Plášil, Ph.D. with his colleagues from the Institute of Physics of the CAS; the co-investigator in charge from the National Museum is Mgr. Jiří Sejkora Ph.D.; other participants from the National Museum are Mgr. Radana Malíková and Mgr. Pavel Škácha, Ph.D.
Project name: Crystal structures, chemism and stability of arsenate and sulphate minerals Code: GA17-09161S Duration: 2017–2019 Agency: Czech Science Foundation Project type: consortial (NM as a secondary investigator) NM’s investigator: Mgr. Jiří Sejkora Ph.D. Other participants: Institute of Physics of the CAS (Mgr. Jakub Plášil, Ph.D.)
Anticipated results/outputs: The anticipated result of the project is the characterisation of new types of minerals from the arsenate and sulphate group, the study of systems of their hydrogen bonds regarding the stability of these minerals, a determination of the complexity of their crystal structures and an assessment of their roles in the evolution of mineral associations. The project results shall be published in the form of at least ten expert works in peer-reviewed periodicals (Scopus, WoS).