The flat in the house where they lived and created
The flat of František Palacký (1798–1876) and František Ladislav Rieger (1818–1903) preserves the original living and working environment of these important personalities of the 19th Century. However, other members of the family also lived in this flat before and after.
The interior thus consequently grew, becoming enriched with new objects. Changes also occurred caused by the necessities of life for its residents. At the present time, we can see Palacký’s study, salon, ante-room and a smaller room with the ethnographic collections of Libuše Bráfová, Palacký’s granddaughter.
Tickets can be purchased on-line or at the box office.
Free admission (tickets only available at the box office): children from children’s homes or SOS children’s villages; holders of disability cards and people accompanying them; holders of cards: ICOM, Slovak National Museum, Benefit card of the European GNSS Agency – the Ministry of Transport, employee of a contributory organization of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (for cardholders only)
Filming, taking photos (no flash) for noncommercial use – free with valid ticket.
The ticket must be kept for the duration of the visit.