The new double issue of Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum (Vol. 67, 2022, Nos. 3–4) was published in February 2023
This year’s autumn double issue of Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum (Vol. 67, 2022/3–4) is dedicated to the papers presented at the conference Periodická paměť [Periodical Memory], which was organised within the cycle Knižní kultura 19. století [The Book Culture of the 19th Century] by the Museum of the Jindřichův Hradec Region with the support of the National Museum and the Methodological Centre for Book Culture and Literary Museums established at the Museum of Czech Literature on 20–21 October 2021. According to their thematic focus and method of treatment, the papers have been divided into the sections of Studies, Materialia and Miscellanea. The year 2021 also marked the 150th anniversary of the weekly Ohlas od Nežárky, on which two longer papers focused at the conference and thus also in this double issue. Other published texts are also devoted to selected 19th-century periodicals, such as the Slovak Katolícke noviny, Stráž na Šumavě and Hlasy ze Šumavy; Prof. Nešpor’s study deals with the periodical Stráž na Řípu and other Protestant magazines of the above-mentioned period. Nevertheless, the issue also includes other texts addressing the issue of periodical texts in various contexts. The article of Alena Petruželková, for example, briefly discusses 19th-century periodicals in museum libraries.
Of course, the double issue also contains other regular sections, including four reviews. First of all, it is worth mentioning Tomáš Gaudek’s review of the publication written by a collective of authors Cesty a život Jindřicha Hýzrla z Chodů. I. Zmenšené faksimile, II. Studie, edice a překlad [The Travels and Life of Heinrich Hieserle of Chodau. I. A Reduced Facsimile, II. Studies, Editions and Translation], which was published by the National Museum in 2021 within the research objectives of the Institutional Funding of the Long-Term Conceptual Development of a Research Organisation (IP DKRVO) and which follows two similarly conceived titles published in previous years, namely Liber Viaticus Jana ze Středy [Liber Viaticus by Johannes Noviforensis] and Jenský kodex [The Jena Codex]. Jakub Sichálek’s review deals with another of the series of publications issued by the authors of the Department of Language Development of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) in cooperation with the Scriptorium publishing house, namely Korunovační řád Karla IV. [Charles IV’s Coronation Rules], edited by Martina Jamborová. The next title reviewed is a two-volume monograph by Hana Beránková from the Department of Historical Bibliography of the Library of the CAS, Barokní frontispisy v tiskařské bohemikální produkci [Baroque Frontispieces in Printed Bohemica], and the last one is Tomáš Pazderský’s Historik Wácslaw Wladiwoj Tomek a české dějepisectví 19. století [The Historian Václav Vladivoj Tomek and Czech Historiography of the 19th Century], reviewed by Magdaléna Pokorná.
The section The News from the National Museum Library, like in every autumn issue, provides a brief report on the Library’s new acquisitions in 2022. Another regular part of the autumn double issue is the section Matiční listy, this time devoted primarily to Josef Škvorecký and his relationship with Václav Havel, which is also documented by a rich pictorial supplement from the holdings of the Literary Archives of the Museum of Czech Literature.