In 2021, the Central Advisory Board for the collecting activities of the National Museum discussed 6 proposals for the purchase of collection objects or collections of objects in total proposed amount of CZK 1 298 272. The content of the purchase of all 6 proposed acquisitions was approved, purchase of 1 item has not yet been completed.
From the subsidy programme of the Ministry of Culture ISO II/C a piano organ, Anton Ulrich in Prag, was purchased for the Czech Museum of Music, amounting to CZK 284,872.
Most acquisition proposals in 2021 were financed from the budget of NM, with the Natural History Museum and the Historical Museum using these funds for acquisitions.
Newly acquired equipment and restoration from the ISO/D subsidy
In 2021, a temperature and climate chamber was purchased for the Historical Museum, using the programme of the Ministry of Culture ISO II / D.
Furthermore, the ISO II/D grant project provided funds for the restoration of the 4th stage of a set of theatrical costumes from Kačina Castle for the Historical Museum, it also provided for a portrait of Anna Náprstková, oil on canvas from the 1840s for the Náprstek Museum, a relief-decorated bookcase given to Anna Macková for the National Museum Library and the restoration of entire operating material (score, voices, etc.) Concerto in F minor, Op. 6 for piano and orchestra by Karel Kovařovice for the Czech Museum of Music.
In 2021, the collection of the National Museum was being inventoried in two concurrent cycles - the original cycle I, which began in 2003; and cycle II, which began in 2015, in which small-scale sub-collections, whose inventory was already finished in cycle I, were inventoried. In 2021, 147,837 objects were written down in the first inventory cycle (4.24% of the National Museum's collection) and 12,479 objects were inventoried in the second inventory cycle (0.36% of the National Museum's collection). In total, 160,316 collection items were inventoried in both inventory cycles, i.e. 4.60% of the entire collection of the National Museum.
General revisions were suspended in 2020 and 2021 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the construction of new permanent exhibitions. The revisions will be renewed in 2022 and will continue to be carried out in the holdings of the Department of Older Czech History and in the 3-mineralogical sub-collection.