New exhibitions in the Museum Complex

In 2021, the History of the 20th Century, Wonders of Evolution and Windows to Prehistory exhibition units were completed and all these parts of the permanent exhibitions were opened to the public. At the same time, the realization of the History exhibition was almost completed, the opening of which is expected to be at the beginning of 2022. The exposition of the Children's Museum could not be completed in 2021, its opening is expected to take place in the first half of 2022.

During the first half of 2021, activities that were already underway since 2020 were completed, such as finalizing the graphics including printing, adjusting collection objects, installing and completing built-ins and large exhibits/models, creating documents for multimedia content, and completion of tenders for all remaining specific components and professional activities without which the exhibitions could not be completed and opened to the public.

The tender for the supplier of the framework lighting was resulted by the decision of the Office for the Protection of Competition on the 11th of January 2021 was cancelled and a new tender had to be started. Finally, 3 separate public contracts were launched, one for each of the exhibition sections. Through this process, a lighting supplier was found and with the help of a lightdesigner who made final adjustments to the lighting positions, direction and intensity, it was possible to successfully complete the realizations of the exhibitions of the History of the 20th Century, Wonders of Evolution and Windows to Prehistory. However, these three public contracts have once again become the subject of an ongoing administrative process by the Office for the Protection of Competition, which lasted throughout 2021 and will continue in 2022.

At the beginning of the year, on the basis of the earlier prepared documents from 2020, the supplier of moving services for collection objects (HrubyMOVING Transport a.s.) was tendered, with whom the cooperation and planning of the time and capacity schedule for the transport of large, small and oversized objects began immediately.

At the same time as the finishing works, the preparation of the specific concepts of operation and maintenance of the exhibitions, which were already open for the public, began. In addition to the control of the multimedia and lighting system itself, the key point is the set-up of the continuous inspection schedule and subsequent maintenance and the repair of any damage to the installed built-ins, graphics, haptic utils, etc.

Preparation of new exhibitions in the Náprstek Museum

Preparation of new exhibitions in the Náprstek Museum is underway The expositions of the Náprstek Museum are divided into three exhibition and content units. In 2021, preparations took place mainly in the part dedicated to the society of the 19th century and the role of Vojta Náprstek as a promoter of modernity. The original idea was further expanded in 2021 for the topic of travel from the 19th century to present and also by the topic of reception of otherness in the Czech culture of the 19th and early 20th century. At the same time, the exhibition and content space were devoted to the themes of decolonization and the perception of other cultures in today's world. In 2021, the spatial possibilities of the other two exhibition units were specified, both the theme of ancient Egypt, whose research has its place in the Czech cultural and academic context, and the part devoted to non-European cultures. In relation to the spatial possibilities after the planned reconstruction of the museum building, individual topics from the area of non-European cultures were specified.