The economic result of the National Museum for the accounting period of 2021 within its main activity is a profit in the amount of CZK 78,736.99
The National Museum's own revenues from admission fees, short-term and long-term rents, sales of goods and cooperation in the field of science and development make a significant contribution to the financing of the organisation's needs and for its profit. Revenue from the sale of services (602) for the financial year 2021 amounted to CZK 62,902,593.46, in 2020 this revenue amounted to CZK 38,692,141.35. The entrance fees for 2021 amounted to CZK 61,740,956.92, in 2020 the entrance fees were CZK 37,537,928.34 in total. However, when comparing to times before covid in 2019 the National Museum had sales of CZK 101,638,661. For 2021, The National Museum budgeted revenues for admission in the amount of 45 million CZK. For 2021, we have budgeted rental income (603) of 11 500 million CZK with the actual rental income being CZK 10,747,411.92. Rental income for the last two years remains almost at the same level, with a small deviation of about 1 million CZK. Revenues (604) from goods sold for the period amounted to CZK 1,998,884.88, revenues from goods sold have increased in the last two years. Other operating income (649) for the financial year 2021 amounted to CZK 2,619,926.89; income from other activities decreased by 42% when compared to 2019. In other income, the National Museum accounts for income from cooperation with foreign institutions in the field of science and development; due to the pandemic of covid-19, this cooperation has been significantly reduced in the last two years. The item (671) of the amount of CZK 633,239,847.29 includes the operational subsidy from the founder organization and other purpose-targeted subsidies.
The total costs in the 2021 accounting period reached CZK 733,665,449. Of this, material costs (501) amounted to CZK 26,427,964.58; in 2020, material costs amounted to CZK 28,901,867.50, and in 2019 they amounted to CZK 30,069,617. Material costs for operating activities in 2021 amounted to CZK 20,247,169 (in 2020 they amounted to CZK 21,765,441.97). Other material costs were covered by specifically targeted funds for research and development. Energy (502), total energy costs for the accounting period 2021 were CZK 49,345,375.99, in 2020 they were CZK 52,986,669.91, in 2019 energy costs were approx. 48 million CZK. Energy costs for 2021 were budgeted at 62 million CZK. Repairs and maintenance (511), the total cost of repairs and maintenance in 2021 was CZK 21,557,308.48, in 2020 these costs were CZK 29,533,715.96, in 2019 they were CZK 319,248,292.64, this is related to the completion of the reconstruction of the Historical Building of the National Museum. The operating costs for maintenance of the facilities in 2021 were CZK 17,941,918.87, in 2020 these costs were CZK 15,872,982.69, in 2019 the operating costs for repairs and maintenance were CZK 14,437,341.17, emergency repairs were CZK 2,893,891.06. The National Museum spent CZK 3,415,675.21 on the maintenance of its collections in 2021, and in 2020 the costs on the maintenance of the collections amounted to CZK 9,738,0369.60. In 2021, in order to maintain the approved budget and because of lower revenue resulting from the pandemic measures, the National Museum reduced the financial limit not only for the maintenance of buildings, but also the maintenance of collections. To compare the reduced budget for the maintenance of collections, we state that in 2019 the costs for the maintenance of collections amounted to CZK 11,039,796.13. The National Museum carries out repairs and maintenance of its buildings according to a medium-term plan, however, almost every year there are unforeseen extraordinary costs due to various minor and major accidents on the buildings managed by the National Museum. A substantial part of the repair and maintenance costs is covered by the Asset Replacement Fund (ARF). Travel (512), the total cost in 2021 was CZK 3,455,502.96, in 2020 it was CZK 2,032,513.20, the cost of travel in 2020 was at 23% of the cost of 2019 (CZK 8,607,528.42), of which foreign travel in 2021 was CZK 2,201,033.40, in 2020 only CZK 906,669.96 compared to 2019 (CZK 6,974,596.17). Domestic travel costs in 2021 amounted to CZK 1,254,469.56 and in 2020 domestic travel costs amounted to CZK 1,125,843.24. Domestic travel costs represent business trips to the depositories of Terezín, Litoměřice, where restoration workshops are also located as well as the workplaces of NM specialists. Foreign travel expenses are paid from a purpose-targeted subsidy for science and development. The representation expenses (513) were CZK 2,290,769.09 in 2021.
The service costs (518) make up a significant part of the total expenses of the organization. For the accounting period of 2021, the total service costs amounted to CZK 204,611,050.57, for 2020 the total service costs amounted to CZK 225,673,157.91. The cost item of services (518) also accounts for services paid from purpose-targeted funds, for the financial year 2021 an amount of CZK 25,776,856.45 was spent from these funds for services, in 2020 services of CZK 26,579,233.72 were paid from these funds. The following are the significant items listed on the service account: the National Museum spent CZK 30,261,240.01 on security in 2021, in 2020 the cost was CZK 28,314,567.22, supervision of the National Museum's buildings was CZK 11,851,154.98, in 2020 the cost of security was CZK 9,676,564.48. A significant item in services for 2021 is the cost of rent and hire in the amount of CZK 21,630,635.08, these costs are related to the Sun Kings exhibition including dismantling after the end of the exhibition. The National Museum spent CZK 25,268,837.11 on exhibition activities in 2021, in 2020 the costs of exhibition activities were the highest in the last three years, totalling CZK 67,662,986.62, of which the main expense were related to the realization of the exhibition Sun Kings. The costs of cleaning services in 2021 amounted to CZK 20,038,454.78, in 2020 these costs amounted to CZK 17,706,762.45, in 2019 the costs of cleaning services amounted to CZK 12,212,027.06. The gradual increase in the cost of cleaning services is related to the gradual opening of new expositions, the full commissioning of the Historic Building and the opening of the expositions in the New Building of the National Museum. Revisions for the accounting period 2021 amounted to CZK 10,552,225.64, in 2020 the National Museum spent CZK 13,371,116.97 for revisions (in 2019 they amounted to CZK 8,229,548.26). The costs of revisions will increase in the coming years due to modern technologies related to the new exhibitions in the Historic Building and in the New Building of the National Museum. As a part of its important anniversaries and celebrations, the National Museum spent CZK 2,532,970.11 on promotion in 2021 and CZK 2,049,807.34 in 2020. Treasury services in the buildings are provided by the National Museum as a contractor; the National Museum paid CZK 6,817,101.20 for these services in 2021 and CZK 6,502,130 in 2020. The National Museum uses the legal services of reputable law firms in its activities and public procurement and contracting in the Czech Republic and abroad.The National Museum paid CZK 3,696,635.08 for legal services, and in 2020 the organisation spent CZK 9,582,704.94 for legal services. A significant item in the service costs is the management of information systems, for 2021 these costs amounted to CZK 9,142,034.81, for 2020 the costs of information technology amounted to CZK 8,633,664.09. The cost of telecommunication services (postage, mobile phones, internet) has been maintained by the National Museum at the same level in recent years; in 2021 the cost of telecommunication services amounted to CZK 4,631,807.28 and in 2020 to CZK 4,362,279.25. Other non-specified services are maintained by the organisation at the same level as in previous years, for the financial year 2021 the cost was CZK 20,179,492.80, in 2020 the cost of other services was CZK 19,152,836.47.
The salary costs of the National Museum were spent in accordance with the approved budget, the total salary costs for 2021 amounted to CZK 222,800,827, in 2020 the salary costs amounted to CZK 225,721,305.88. The total salary costs also include other personnel costs, including severance pay and compensation, and it includes salary costs paid via a special-purpose subsidy.
Depreciation is a significant cost item of the National Museum. Depreciation of the National Museum has increased, especially in the last two years, which is related to the reconstruction of the Historic Building and the gradual classification of assets. In 2021, depreciation costs of the National Museum amounted to CZK 102,924,069.85 compared to 2020, when depreciation costs amounted to CZK 69,752,400.45. In its previous financial statements, the National Museum has predicted an increase in depreciation in connection with the commissioning of the Historical Building and the classification of assets. Depreciation of fixed assets amounts to CZK 95,827,863.85, software to CZK 7,096,206. The cost item 558 (costs of small intangible fixed assets) for 2021 is CZK 283,140, the cost of small tangible fixed assets for 2021 is CZK 8,514,529.07. Given the level of depreciation, we assume that the depreciation levy will continue to be relevant for the organisation and it cannot be ruled out that the National Museum will ask the founder to adjust the depreciation levy for 2023.
The National Museum tried to meet the approved budget with the utmost prudence. In particular, the service costs were higher, similar to previous years. The service costs cannot be predicted with accuracy, as these increased costs are mainly related to exhibition activities and the realization of new exhibits. The sums invested in the implementation of exhibitions and new expositions show positive results. Unfortunately, the epidemic situation in 2021 was not favourable, but we believe that in future years the income of the National Museum will reach the level of 2019. Of the organisation's total costs, services account for 35.7%, labour costs for 32.8%, depreciation for 7.11%, energy for 14.8%.
The total subsidy of the National Museum as of the 31st of December 2021 amounted to CZK 633,239,847.29, including a special-purpose subsidy. Of this, institutional support amounted to CZK 26,705,918.10, special-purpose support for science and development (NAKI programme) amounted to CZK 10,635,364.47, ISPROFIN non-investment subsidy was CZK 20,850,421.74 and other special-purpose extra-budgetary subsidy totalled at CZK 9,840,011.38.
The Sun Kings project, the implementation of which began in 2019, was successfully completed in September 2021. The opening of halls with new exhibitions of the Natural History Museum - Wonders of Evolution, Mineralogical Collection; the History of the Historical Museum exhibition; and also other exhibition projects were implemented with great success and increased the number of visitors, which can be seen in the significant share of admission fees in the overall economy of the organization. The provided funds were used for specific purposes. Attached to this report are comments and the use of funds for individual exhibition projects. The National Museum allows its visitors virtual tours of the new exhibits, accompanied with a commentary.
The implementation of foreign business trips of the staff of the National Museum in 2021 required costs in the amount of CZK 2,201,033.40. A total of 98 foreign business trips were made. A substantial part of foreign business trips is financed from special-purpose funds provided for research, development and innovation. Due to the epidemic situation caused by covid-19 in the world, the staff of the National Museum of Science and Research could not carry out all their plans in 2021, yet they demonstrated high productivity and achieved a completely above-average amount of outstanding results within the department. As part of the annual evaluation of science and research carried out by the Research and Development Council, the National Museum regularly ranks among the best-rated entities in the so-called green group of institutions that have spent the funds with great return.
Implemented foreign business trips enable the staff of the National Museum to acquire new knowledge in the field of science and research in accordance with the set goals. Real field work allows researchers to work together and exchange experiences with foreign partners. The presentation of the National Museum at international conferences, where information is exchanged and new contacts are established for further cooperation, is also very important. Work in foreign laboratories brings new knowledge of scientific analyses, acquisition of new findings and materials for the processing of collections, and thus the enrichment of the collection fund of the National Museum. Foreign trips and stays of the National Museum staff bring not only knowledge, but also comparison studies, studying collections in foreign museums, thus increasing the expertise of the National Museum staff, deepening the scientific activities and the prestige of the National Museum.
Concerning international cooperation, the experts of the National Museum realized multiple presentations at 26 foreign conferences and 32 domestic seminars. Publications of professional magazines, non-periodical publications, popularization catalogues and brochures, including publications for children, are also at a very high level. A total of 265 results were reported, of which 15 books, 120x Jimp, 38x impacted articles.
In the framework of the competition for grants, the National Museum currently has its own grants and several GAČR co-sponsorships; in 2021, the National Museum received CZK 7,332,583.20 for its own grants and GAČR co-sponsorship projects. The funds were used for in-kind costs and salaries in accordance with the terms of the project grant received, for foreign and domestic travel and for research purposes.
EU projects
Synthesys plus - the National Museum is a co-investigator in this project, the project is concerned with mutual cooperation of researchers in the field of natural sciences, and at mutual exchange at international workplaces.
DiSSCo Prepare - The National Museum is a co-investigator in this project, focusing on digitization and new technologies in research.
With the approved budget for 2020, the founder set funds for salaries in the amount of CZK 196 286 655 and other personnel costs in the amount of CZK 1 074 000, including CZK 782 000 for operations, CZK 160 000 for cultural activities and CZK 132 110 for other personnel costs. Budgetary adjustment No. 28 increased the organisation's funds on salary by CZK 137,918 to pay the extraordinary remuneration granted by the Minister of Culture to the statutory representative of the National Museum. Budgetary adjustment No. 18 increased the organization's operating funds in the amount of CZK 44,135, intended to compensate for increased personnel costs for evaluators of COVID 19 program applications.
Other personnel costs were spent on work agreements, mainly for accompanying events related to exhibition activities, as well as guide services. In science and development projects, work agreements were used on work related to the purpose and objective of the project. The total wage costs in 2020 amounted to CZK 225,721,306.00, statutory social insurance amounted to CZK 77,506,052.00.
Kunratice Chateau - a contract was concluded with the Office for Representation of the State in Property Matters (ÚZVSM) on transfer on the 24th of September 2021, the handover took place on the 1st of November 2021, the book value of the building was CZK 4,432,810. Parts of the chateau were handed over, including the Tesko building P-4, book value CZK 381,605, the enclosure wall of the chateau KÚ Prague 4, water connection, boiler room. The land associated with the Kunratice Chateau with a book value of CZK 28,752,670.72 was also handed over. The National Museum transferred part of the Peruc land to the ÚZVSM as unnecessary property, the contract concluded on the 20th of May 2021, handed over on the 1st of July 2021, with book value CZK 38,730. The National Museum has concluded a contract with the ÚZVSM for the transfer of a water area, a watercourse bed, the water area is part of the Jeneč farm, the book value of the water area is CZK 22,000.
During the accounting period of 2021, the following inspections took place at the National Museum: