New expositions in the Museum Complex

In 2022, the implementation of the History exposition complex on the 1st floor of the Historical Building was completed and opened to the public in March 2022. At the end of September, the exposition of the Children’s Museum in the New Building was opened for pre-booked school groups. During the fall of 2022, the remaining halls of the Miracles of Evolution exposition, called the Tiny Majority, as well as the Pokoutník Gallery, were completed, thus complementing the existing exposition.

The History exposition was largely completed in 2021. Details were being fine-tuned during the first months of 2022 and programming of the technology and management of the entire exposition was underway.

Completing the preparations of the Children’s Museum for trial operation for organized school groups consisted mainly in the completion of interactive elements and their placement and anchoring in the exposition space, and then the completion of showcases and work furniture for working with groups. The only element of the Children’s Museum thus remaining to be completed is the multimedia AV corner in the shape of a ball, due to the forced cancellation of the public contract for suppliers and the subsequent necessity to carry out the tender process again. The supplier was selected at the end of 2022, so completion is expected in the first half of 2023.

As opposed to the exposition, the remaining halls of the Miracles of Evolution exposition – the Tiny Majority and the Pokoutník Gallery halls – were held up by the technical aspects of adjusting collection items. After resolving these issues, the actual installation into the prepared adjustments and light mode settings took place.

During 2022, preparatory work for the People exposition continued, primarily with regard to the planned tender process for the exposition contractor. Due to the rapid increases in prices of materials, their unpredictable availability on the market, inflation, the development of energy prices, etc., preliminary market consultations were held for the planned delivery, including all aspects of the planned implementation. On the basis of the information thus obtained, a tender for the supplier should be completed and subsequently announced.

With the opening of the expositions in 2021 and 2022, a specific portion of the preparation and implementation of the exposition, namely the maintenance of adequate conditions, functionality and operability, is increasingly detailed and shaped. With the increasing number of open expositions, the demands for ensuring their operation and remedying warranty defects, as well as the repair of worn out items and installation components and the collections damaged by visitors are increasing. Due to the recent opening, labels, instructions and navigation information within the exposition, interactive elements, as well as the content of the exposition are adapted based on visitors’ observations. The mobile application launched in 2022 also helps with orientation in the expositions and their content.

Preparation of new expositions in the Náprstek Museum

In 2022, preparatory work for new permanent expositions continued in the Náprstek Museum, which should be implemented together with the renovation of the buildings on Betlémské náměstí. The expositions are divided into three thematic units, created on the basis of the historical development of the museum and collection funds. The author’s libretto and script of the history of the 19th century was taken over from PhDr. Vladan Hanulík, Ph.D., by Mgr. Pavla Hubáčková, who was involved in the selection of items and adapted the texts and the possibilities of applying new media to the expositions. For the other two planned expositions, about ancient Egypt and non-European cultures, stimulating discussions are taking place, especially how to perceive the perception of non-European cultures in the changing 21st century, so that attractive topics are created in terms of content, but also in terms of exhibition, presented with modern exhibition elements while preserving the expressive authenticity of the expositions. The preparation of expositions is determined by the layout of the space in the buildings where the renovation is planned, which changed during the year in relation to the renovation’s project designs.