The National Museum managed a balanced budget in 2023.
A significant share of the financing of the organization’s needs as well as a share of the profit are the National Museum’s own revenues from the activities of the National Museum, namely revenue from admission, short-term and long-term rental, sales of goods and cooperation in the field of science and development. Revenues from the sale of services (602) reached the amount of CZK 174,210,307.30 in the 2023 accounting period, CZK 139,594,405.65 in 2022, and CZK 62,958,000 in 2021. In 2020, these revenues amounted to CZK 38,692,141.35. The entrance fee collected in 2023 amounted to CZK 172,720,207.03, in 2022 it amounted to CZK 138,487,003, compared to 2021 when the entrance fee amounted to CZK 61,740,956; in 2020 the entrance fee amounted to CZK 37,537,928.34. In 2023, the National Museum achieved its highest admission revenue in decades. For the year 2023, the National Museum budgeted revenues for entrance fees in the amount of CZK 99,000,000. We budgeted rental income (603) for 2023 in the amount of CZK 14,500,000 and realized a total of CZK 17,269,962.64. Admission revenue increased by more than 90%. Revenue (604) from goods sold for the period under review amounted to CZK 1,503,845.56; the revenue from goods sold was lower than the approved budget. Other operating revenue (649) for the financial year 2023 amounted to CZK 5,504,858.17. The National Museum accounts for other revenues from cooperation with foreign institutions in the field of science and development. Item (671) in the amount of CZK 589,485,487.16 includes an operating subsidy from the founder and other specific subsidies.
Total costs for the accounting period for 2023 amounted to CZK 822,633,524.07, of which material costs (501) amounted to CZK 35,579,083.71. Material costs have remained in the range of CZK 30-35 million for the last three years. The cost item 501 – materials accounts for material consumption paid for from special-purpose appropriations, accounts for approximately 25-28% of total costs. Energy (502) Total energy costs for the financial year 2023 amounted to CZK 77,238,968.62 (in 2022 energy costs were CZK 99,420,000) . For 2023, the organisation budgeted CZK 191,000,000 for energy. At the time the budget was prepared, the price of energy was volatile and variable, and the organisation based its budget on the average price on the weekly exchange and on forecasted consumption. Repairs and maintenance (511) The total cost of repairs and maintenance in 2023 was CZK 38,812,740.34, of which emergency repairs amounted to CZK 7,611,121.43, maintenance of expositions amounted to CZK 4,173,773.90, and other maintenance of NM facilities consumed funds amounting to CZK 23,812,227.97. The National Museum carries out repairs and maintenance of its buildings according to a medium-term plan, however, almost every year extraordinary unforeseen costs occur due to various smaller and larger accidents in buildings under the management of the National Museum. A substantial part of the repair and maintenance costs is covered by the FRM.
Travel expenses (512) The total cost of travel expenses in 2023 was in the amount of CZK 7,982,958.10, of which foreign travel amounted to CZK 5,876,279.65. The cost of foreign travel is covered from the funds of resources for the purpose of science and development. Domestic travel expenses include business trips to the depositories in Terezín, Litoměřice, where the restoration workshops and workplaces of the National Museum’s specialists are located. Domestic travel expenses amounted to CZK 2,106,678.45.
Representation costs (513) in 2023 amounted to CZK 2,824,422.62.
Service costs (518) constitute a significant part of the organization’s total costs. For 2023, the organisation budgeted CZK 102,345,329 for services. The total cost of services for the accounting period 2023 were in the amount of CZK 197,139,092.83. In cost item 518 Services, services paid from special funds are also charged. The following are the significant items of the service account: the NM spent an amount of CZK 38,141,874.63 on security for the year 2023. The cost of supervision of NM facilities in 2023 amounted to CZK 19,240,276.92. An important item in the services for 2023 was the costs of exhibition activities, where the total costs of exhibition activities in 2023 amounted to CZK 20,982,648.80. The costs of cleaning services amounted to CZK 20,592,704.08. The cost of revisions for the accounting period 2023 were in the amount of CZK 13,887,104.82. Revision costs will increase in the coming years due to modern technology related to new exhibits in both the Historic Building and the New Building of the National Museum. As part of significant anniversaries and celebrations, the National Museum spent an amount of CZK 1,679,238.50 on promotion in 2023. The National Museum provides treasury services in its facilities by contractors. The National Museum uses legal services of reputable law firms in its activities and in the context of public procurement, contracting domestically and abroad; the total cost of the above services amounted to CZK 13,396,741.62. A significant item in the costs of services is the management of information systems, where the IT management costs amounted to CZK 6,283,654.86 in 2023. The cost of transport was CZK 8,356,538.25, which is for services related to the transport of artefacts as part of exhibition activities. Other unspecified services are maintained by the organization at the same level as in previous years. In 2023, these costs amounted to CZK 8,945,755.70.
The National Museum incurred salary costs in accordance with the approved budget; the total salary costs for the 2023 accounting period were in the amount of CZK 237,721,408. The total salary costs also include other personnel costs, including severance pay and compensation for temporary illness, including salary costs paid from a specific-purpose subsidy.
Depreciation is a significant cost item of the National Museum. In the last two years, depreciation has increased with the inclusion of new display assets. In 2023, depreciation of the NM amounted to CZK 120,003,562.47 (in 2020 it was CZK 69,752,400.45). Of the total annual depreciation, depreciation on fixed assets for the accounting period 2023 is in the amount of CZK 105,632,761.37, software in the amount of CZK 14,370,801.10. The total costs in item 558 for 2023 amount to CZK 7,261,906.64. Due to the amount of depreciation, we assume that the levy from depreciation will continue to be relevant for the organization and it cannot be ruled out that the National Museum will ask the founder to adjust the levy from depreciation.
Throughout the accounting period, the management of the National Museum monitored the costs of the organization with maximum prudence and strove to meet the approved budget for 2023. Similar to previous years. The costs of services cannot be accurately predicted, as these increased costs are primarily related to exhibition activity and the realization of new expositions. The costs invested in the realization of exhibitions and new expositions show positive results in admission fee income.
The total subsidy of the National Museum as of 31. 12. 2023: contribution to operations CZK 559,425,700, contribution to the cultural activities programme in the amount of CZK 30,400,618, other contribution in the amount of CZK 1,063,400. The National Museum received funding of CZK 33,421,981.11 for institutional support of science and development, the NAKI programme received an amount of CZK 7,008,591.92 for science and development, and the National Museum received a subsidy of CZK 1,388,000 from the ISPROFIN non-investment programme. The other special purpose extra-budgetary subsidy in 2023 amounted to CZK 3,627,159.43.
In 2023, the implementation of foreign business trips for National Museum employees required costs in the amount of CZK 5,876,279.65. A total of 239 foreign business trips were made. A substantial portion of foreign business trips is financed from the specific-purpose funds provided for research, development and innovation. The scientific staff of the National Museum demonstrated a high level of productivity in 2023 and achieved a large amount of quality results within the field. As part of the assessment of science and research carried out annually by the Research and Development Council, the National Museum is regularly ranked among the best-rated entities in the so-called green group of institutions that have highly valorised the financial resources spent.
The undertaken foreign business trips allow the staff of the National Museum to gain new knowledge in the field of science and research in accordance with the set goals. Mutual cooperation between National Museum staff and foreign scientists in the field provides rich new knowledge and experience with foreign partners. The presentation of the National Museum at international conferences is also very important, where information is exchanged and new contacts are established for further cooperation. Work in foreign laboratories brings new knowledge of scientific analyses, acquisition of new knowledge and materials for the processing of collections, thereby enriching the collection fund of the National Museum. Foreign trips and stays of NM workers bring not only knowledge, but also comparison and study of collections in foreign museums, thereby increasing the expertise of employees, deepening the scientific activity and prestige of the National Museum.
In terms of competing for grants, the National Museum currently has its own grants and several co-researcher GA ČR; in 2023 the National Museum drew an amount of CZK 1,097,343.56 for its own grants from the Grant Agency and an amount of CZK 3,586,165.17 for co-researcher projects. Funds were used for costs of material and salaries in accordance with the terms of the received project subsidy.
In the approved budget for 2023, the founder set funds for salaries in the amount of CZK 196,286,655 and other personnel expenses in the amount of CZK 1,122,000, including an amount of CZK 782,000 for operations, an amount of CZK 190,000 for cultural activities and 150,000 to other OON. Budgetary Amendment No. 1 adjusted the organisation's salary appropriations from the chapter’s resources by CZK 19,000,000 and the involvement of unspent appropriations (SU 384) by CZK 5,381,619.67, by budgetary adjustment No. 2, the appropriations for the organisation's salaries were increased by CZK 80,000 for OON, by budgetary adjustment No. 3 by an amount of CZK 20,344,387, an increase of 10% in tariff salaries. Budgetary adjustment No. 5 provided a subsidy of CZK 4,477,000 for R&D for salaries, and budgetary adjustment No. 9 increased the OON funding by CZK 200,000 for accompanying programmes in the framework of exhibition activities. Budgetary adjustment No. 10 increased the funds in the amount of CZK 145,591 for salaries – remuneration of the statutory representative, budgetary adjustment No. 18 increased the operating grant in the amount of CZK 5,903,328 for the increase in remuneration of NM staff and budgetary adjustment No. 20 increased the funds for salaries – remuneration of the statutory representative.
Other personnel costs were spent on agreements to complete a job, mainly for accompanying events related to exhibition activities, as well as on guide services. In science and development projects, agreements to complete a job were used for work related to the purpose and objective of the individual projects. Total salary costs in 2023 amounted to CZK 237,721,408, of which OON amounted to CZK 10,409,708, statutory social insurance amounted to CZK 76,949,646.67, and other social costs (525) amounted to CZK 640,386.88.